I got there about 15 minutes late and walked into a room full of strangers. But luckily i was met with smiling faces. We dove into the learning discussion. then we started talking about posing and positioning. Then i started taking photos of my super models. I played with the lights a lot to get them just right. And then bang! the awesome pics started. I started with Erin by a window and then moved to a back drop. I moved my models in and around and played with their position.
During my playing with the girls, i realized that the corded method of triggering my flashes sucked with my Canon brand items. They were not made to do such 'tricks'. Then after some frustration, i went to plan 'B': i used the wireless built in flash system in my flashes. This worked soooooo much better. to i set it up this way. i am totally eyeballing some pocket wizards or gadget infinity triggers.
Then the girls, took a quick break. I was then struck by a great bolt of luck. Kendrick walked in the door looking for a photographer. I quickly swept him up and in came the nervousness. While we talked, i learned how much of a nice guy Kendrick was and how fun he is to work with. I put a color filter on the flash to match his clothing and off we went. i tried to incorporate his flair into the pics by using poses that i saw him use while preparing. we had tons of fun. I moved him and tried cool stuff with his accessories. He seemed to like it also, because he complemented me on how i work and my style. we exchanged info and i told him that i would show him the pics after i loaded it onto my computer before i left.
Then we all gathered for our group pic - which took waaaaaay too long. Then i put the pics on my laptop and showed Kendrick. He was ecstatic. he loved them. He was excited because he normally doesn't like pics of himself but this time he liked all of them.
It was a great experience and i will attend the next meeting. I am glad i ran into Kendrick and i will track him down next time i need a model.
for my pics click here.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Monitor de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://monitor-de-lcd.blogspot.com. A hug.
Steve, these photos are really good. Your skills are really coming along! Hopefully I will be in Saint Louis again soon so we can hang out.
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